SYNOPSIS Constraints: Sequence of events: Each sequence begins with a map of France. - A zoom on a region follows with the appearance of the borders and the name in the middle. - This is followed by a zoom on the department with the appearance of the borders. The name of the region moves to the upper left hand side. - Follows the district with the department name replacing the region name in the upper left hand side. The number of the district joins this heading to form the full name of the district. - The results from the district then appear from the center of the district as two or three banners. - On the cue from the broadcast control or at a given time lapse in auto mode the results disappear. Two events can then take place: if the next district is in the same department we move directly to the district and its results. Otherwise the program zooms out fom department and pans over to the next dpartment to zoom in on the district. A zoom out to the entire map of France is possible at all times and can be cued directly from the set. For the broadcast of the second round of the elections a graphic visualization of the different party results can be cued at all times from the set.
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PARTNER Chain Parlementaire of the French National Assembly Chain Parlementaire of the French National Assembly |